Heloc Fees Where Can I Find The Best HELOC Rates To Refinance My Second Mortgage?


Where can I find the best HELOC rates to refinance my second mortgage? - heloc fees

My current rate is about 10%, and I find a HELOC less than 1%, no fees prime, and accept 90% LTV


Anonymous said...

I agree, www.bankrate.com Many lenders have different rates and links to specific sites on loans, as lowermybills.com. HELOC rates are around 7%, but I'm not sure they allow an LTV of 90%.

http://www.bankrate.com/brm/rate/brm_loa ...

SmartAce said...


Derrick C said...

You know, all offer very competitive prices. However, you do not have some of the fine print on HELOCs Clock. What do you mean? How many transactions per month? etc. .. I teach the use of a HELOC to pay off the house faster.

Of all the banks I've worked, I think that Chase, Wells Fargo, United States, and banks offer a cheap and easy.

So, as I say, what will you do is play a factor in selecting the percentage of HELOC.

J J said...

Take a MTG Closed 2nd Final with a fixed rate HELOCs have variable interest rate that works like a credit card balance extremely low as never before.

You will not receive terms as prime rate minus 1% of the MTG 2nd right, you thought that the AVG. Rate you both the 1 and 2 MTG pay.? Consider MTGS and refinance in one.

Les Ismore said...

Credit unions (on average) offer better prices HELOC (many banks see http://www.datatrac.net/CUNA/execonline.asp?view=product&pcode=C-0049)

Pen Fed CU has always been very good prices for both HELOCs and loans of capital house.

https: / / www.penfed.org / index.asp

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